UIC Talks in Linguistics Schedule

All Talks in Linguistics are held at 3:00 p.m. in a hybrid format (both at UH 1750 and on Zoom), unless stated otherwise. Please contact Dr. David Miller or Ana Rodríguez Gallego to receive the link to the Zoom meeting.

Talks in Linguistics Heading link

DateTimeSpeakerAffiliationTitle and abstract
September 63:00 p.m.Welcome: Meet and Greet!UIC, Hispanic LinguisticsGet to know your fellow linguistics students and faculty!
October 43:00 p.m.Carlos Martínez García Universidad Complutense de MadridIndefinite null subjects and indefinite null objects in Spanish
September 203:00 p.m.Concepción SotoNorthwestern UniversityUnveiling bilingual variability during spoken word recognition: An eye-tracking exploration of within-L1 competition dynamics across the bilingual continuum
October 24 and 258:00 am - 6:00 pm, UIC Student Center EastUIC Bilingualism Forum 2024UIC, Hispanic LinguisticsFind more information on the BilForum website!
November 153:00 p.m.Adrián Rodríguez-RiccelliUniversity at Buffalo, SUNYThe linguistic and cognitive predictors of speakers' choice of nominative reduced referring device in Santiago Cabo-Verdean Creole
November 223:00 p.m.Luis LópezUIC, Hispanic LinguisticsThe lie, the liar and the lied-to
February 74:00 p.m.Nate Cook & Isabella DepueUIC, Hispanic LinguisticsDissertation Proposal and State of the Art
February 213:00 p.m. Lilian GormanUniversity of Arizona in Tuscon
March 73:00 p.m.Kara Morgan-ShortUIC, Hispanic Linguistics
April 43:00 p.m.Angela Betancourt-CipriánUIC, Hispanic Linguistics
April 183:00 p.m. Claudia FernándezUIC, Hispanic Linguistics
May 2 3:00 p.m.Guido MenschingUniversität Göttingen
DateTimeSpeakerAffiliationTitle and abstract
September 1st4:00 p.m.Welcome!UIC, Hispanic LinguisticsGet to know your fellow linguistics students and faculty!
September 15th4:00 p.m.Alexis BerlesUIC, Hispanic Linguistics, Cognition of Second Language Acquisition LabIndividual differences in adult Romance-like language learning and working memory in implicit and explicit contexts
4:30 p.m.Ana Rodríguez GallegoUIC, Hispanic Linguistics, Cognition of Second Language Acquisition LabThe role of working memory in adult L2 processing: An ERP study
September 29th4:00 p.m.David MillerUIC, Hispanic Linguistics, Psychology of Multilingualism LabAversive language processing in bilingualism: The role of System 1 and 2
October 27th11:00 a.m.Fernando Martín-VillenaUniversitat Pompeu FabraL1 morphosyntactic attrition in bilinguals: triangulating evidence from production, interpretation, and processing data
November 10th4:00 p.m.Michał B. ParadowskiInstitute of Applied Linguistics, University of WarsawPeer interactions in study-abroad SLA: Insights from complete learner networks
November 17th10:00 a.m.Kate BellamyLeiden UniversityDialectology meets heritage language research: Identifying appropriate baselines among P'urhepecha speakers
January 19th4:00 p.m.Jefferson Imbaquingo UIC, Hispanic Linguistics, The Bilingualism Research LabEvidentiality, conjecture and grammatical expression in Ecuadorian Andean Spanish
February 2nd4:00 p.m.Jason CruzUIC, Hispanic Linguistics, Multilingual Phonology LabL3+ Attrition: Proof of Concept & Current Trends
Marty BuckUIC, Hispanic LinguisticsSpanish Dialect Contact in the United States: Sociolinguistic Outcomes and Future Directions
February 16th4:00 p.m.Jennifer Cabrelli, Jason Cruz, &; John Escalante MartínezUIC, Hispanic Linguistics, Multilingual Phonology LabThe relationship between perception and production in L2 English phonotactic acquisition and resultant effects in L1 Brazilian Portuguese
March 1st2:00 p.m.Gyu-Ho ShinUIC, Linguistics‘Good-Enough’ processing and heritage speakers: A case of Korean suffixal passive and morphological causative constructions
March 15th4:00 p.m.Tania IoninUniversity of Illinois Urbana-ChampaignUniversal Quantification, Distributivity, and Collectivity in Heritage Spanish Bilinguals
March 29th2:00 p.m.Adam Cleveland &; Liliana SánchezUIC, Hispanic Linguistics, The Bilingualism Research LabUniversal Quantification, Distributivity, and Collectivity in Heritage Spanish Bilinguals
April 12th3:00 p.m.Silvia Perez-CortesRutgers University, CamdenClose and personal: the importance of examining intra-speaker variability and production data in heritage language research.
DateSpeakerAffiliationTitle of Abstract
September 2ndMeet and greetGet to know your fellow linguistics students and faculty!
September 16thDr. Eloi Puig MayencoKing's College LondonModelling L3 development patterns: Japanese-English bilinguals acquiring Spanish
September 30thDr. Ana Pérez-LerouxUniversity of TorontoLa lobo malo: A critical listening of La caperucita roja
October 14thUIC Bilingualism ForumNo TiL
October 28thUIC Bilingualism ForumNo TiL
November 11thAlexis BerlesUIC, Hispanic LinguisticsIndividual differences in cognitive control and adult language learning
Nate CookUIC, Hispanic LinguisticsExploring the foreign language effect in bilinguals: Illusory truth effect of true statements
November 25thThanksgiving BreakNo TiL
February 3rdDr. Jorge Valdés KroffUniversity of FloridaAdaptive Prediction in Code-switching as a window into language regulation
February 17thLidia AguileraUIC, Hispanic LinguisticsExploring Identity and Investment using Qualitative Research Software
March 3rdDr. Tania LealUniversity of Arizona


March 17thDr. Silvia Gumiel Molina,Dr. María Isabel Pérez Jiménez, & Dr. Norberto Moreno QuibénUniversity of Alcalá


April 7thJohn A. Escalante MartínezUIC, Hispanic LinguisticsPerception of lexical stress by Spanish heritage speakers
April 20thDr. Nicole WichaUniversity of Texas at San AntonioElectrophysiological signatures of cognitive development and bilingualism in processing simple arithmetic

This talk is sponsored by the LIN; see date and location in the link.
DateSpeakerAffiliationTitle of Abstract
September 3rdTiL meet-and-greetGet to know your fellow linguistics students and faculty!
October 1stTribute to Dr. John Franco, University of Deusto
October 15thDr. Vincent DeLucaUniversity of Tromso - The Arctic University of Norway
October 29thAna HernandezUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
November 12thDr. Brad HootDePaul University
January 21stAlexis BerlesUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
February 4thMarina RidchenkoUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
March 4thDr. José Sequeros-ValleUniversity of Nebraska at Omaha
March 11thDr. Jorge Valdes KroffUniversity of Florida
March 18thDr. Rajiv RaoUniversity of Wisconsin
April 1stDr. Betty BirnerNorthern Illinois University
April 15thDr. Alison GabrieleUniversity of Kansas
DateSpeakerAffiliationTitle of Abstract
September 4thTiL meet-and-greetGet to know you fellow linguistic students and faculty!
September 18thDr. Kara FedermeierUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignGetting a read on language and the brain
October 16thDr. Holger HoppTechnical University of BraunschweigHow permeable are native and non-native syntactic processing to crosslinguistic influence?

NOTE: held at 12pm CST to account for time zone differences
October 30thDr. Kara Morgan-Short, David Abugaber, Irene Finestrat, & Alicia LuqueUniversity of Illinois at Chicago & University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of NorwayNOTE: held at 12pm CST to account for time zone differences
November 13thDr. Luis López, Irati de Nicolás, & Jose Sequeros-ValleUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoMake your mouth agua: idioms and the integrated hypothesis
January 22ndIrene FinestratUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoLanguage learning in context: The Role of Native-Language Skills in the At-Home and Study Abroad Settings
February 5thAnnette D'OnofrioNorthwestern University
February 19thMike PutnamPenn State University
March 5thM. Parafita CuotoLeiden University
March 19thLiliana Sánchez, Megan Marshall, Gabriel Martínez, & Marina SokolovaUniversity of Illinois at Chicago
April 2ndAntje MuntendamFlorida State University
April 16thMandy Faretta-StutenbergNorthern Illinois University
DateSpeakerAffiliationTitle of Abstract
September 6thTiL meet-and-greet
September 13th"Planning your semester" workshop
September 27thConcepción Company CompanyUniversidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)Lengua española y regalos culturales de América al mundo. Un acercamiento histórico
October 11thDavid AbugaberUniversity of Illinois at Chicago¿Es complicado o está complicado?:
Empirically testing our intuitions about the use of Spanish ser vs. estar
October 25thBoaz Keysar
University of ChicagoLiving in a native tongue
November 8thJosé Sequeiros + David Abugaber

University of Illinois at ChicagoIt's just words!: A lexical approach to discourse (Jose Sequeiros)

Thinking (about grammar), fast and slow: Exploring per-learner variability via analysis methods from cognitive psychology (David Abugaber)
January 24thTom RoeperUniversity of Massachusetts at AmherstMinimal Interfaces and Cross-modular Notation: How do different Grammars and different modules achieve compatibility

ALSO: Special professional development Q&A session on Sat., Jan. 25, 10am-12pm in UH 1750
January 31stSilvina MontrulUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignOn lexical assignment and gender agreement in Spanish: A study of novel nouns
February 14thGuilherme DuarteBall State UniversityLexical statistics and the grammar
March 6thStacy KoMarquette University¡Hola María! The interplay of Spanish and English and how to determine difference versus disorder in bilingual individuals

Full video available here
March 13thAnnette D'OnofrioNorthwestern UniversitySound change reversal in context: Production and perception of the Northern Cities Shift in a Chicago neighborhood
April 24thMandy Faretta-StutenbergNorthern Illinois UniversityTBD
DateSpeakerAffiliationTitle of Abstract
September 14thTiL meet-and-greet
September 28thStudent Presentations - David Abugaber, Jose SequerosUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoClitic-doubled Left Dislocation in Heritage Spanish: Judgment vs. Speeded Production Data (Jose) and Frequency and Semantic Prototypicality in an L2 Spanish Dative Construction: A Corpus Study (David)
November 16thAdriana WeislederNorthwestern UniversityRicher language experience leads to faster understanding: Language input and processing efficiency in Spanish-learning children
November 19th (Monday, 4pm in University Hall 1501)Vita KoganUniversity of BarcelonaIndividual Differences in L1 Perception & their Effects on Discrimination of Unfamiliar Nonnative Vowel Contrasts
February 8th - *note time/location change to 1pm in University Hall 1750*Mike IversonUniversity of IndianaRethinking some issues in L1 attrition: A case study of L1 Spanish in contact with Brazilian Portuguese
March 1stSung Park-Johnson and Carolina Barrera-Tobon DePaul UniversityEnglish hegemony in a Spanish Immersion preschool: a case study at Puerta Abierta
March 15thErik ZymanUniversity of ChicagoAntilocality at the Phase Edge
April 5thErika ErdelyNational Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)Una nueva mirada a la semántica a los verbos ser y estar con perspectiva dialectal / New insights on the semantics of Spanish copulas ser and estar from a dialectal perspective
April 12thStudent PresentationsUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoTBD
April 26thKara FedermeierUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignTBD
DateSpeakerAffiliationTitle of AbstractSpeaker Liaison
September 15th, 2017TiL meet-and-greet
Liliana Sanchez
Rutgers UniversityRe-thinking research methodologies in multicultural contexts: collaborating with indigenous communities in Peru
October 6th, 2017
(at UH 1501)
Kara Morgan ShortUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoIt’s electric! Connections between language processing and second language acquisition
October 20thMatt WalenskiNorthwestern UniversityHow (and when) does sentence comprehension go wrong in agrammatic primary progressive aphasia?
November 3rdGabriel Martinez VeraUniversity of ConnecticutOn phases and prosodic reflexes in Spanish recomplementation
November 17thBriana VillegasUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoThe role of training condition and individual differences on the development of a complex form: An L2 study of the Spanish subjunctive
December 1st at 3pm Anna Maria EscobarUniversity of Illinois Urbana ChampaignContact Scenarios and Functional Transfer
January 26th, 2018Matt WalenskiNorthwestern UniversityHow (and when) does sentence comprehension go wrong in agrammatic primary progressive aphasia?
March 2ndDaniel OlsonPurdue UniversityFlexibility in bilingual lexical access
March 9thKim PotowskiUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoNo child left monolingual
March 23rdEmma MarsdenThe University of YorkEstimating the magnitude of sensitivity to morphosyntax and first language influence during self
April 13thDavid AbugaberUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoANOVA R workshop
April 20thDenise CloonanNortheastern Illinois UniversityUsing eye dialect as background knowledge for dialectal variation in Spanish
May 4thEnd of Year Event
DateSpeakerAffiliationTitle of AbstractSpeaker Liaison
September 2, 2016TiL Meet & Greet
Jose Sequeros-Valle
University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)Clitic­-doubled Left Dislocation in L2 Spanish: Speeded Production Data
September 16, 2016Christine SheaUniversity of IowaVariability and lexical activation in L2 processingSara
September 30, 2016James BartolottiNorthwestern UniversityPrevious Language Experience Shapes Novel Language LearningJose
October 14, 2016 Laura BatterinkNorthwestern UniversityContributions to language from implicit and explicit memoryIrene
October 28, 2016David AbugaberUniversity of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)Face Recognition and Bilingual Lexical Access: Viewing familiarized faces primes performance in a Spanish-English language-selection taskAngela

November 11, 2016

Andrew Lynch

University of MiamiPlacing accent marks in the Spanish heritage language classroomZenaido

December 1, 2016
LICO lab
Kathy EscamillaUniversity of ColoradoTBA
January 20, 2017

Vicki CarstensSouthern Illinois University Carbondale ONLY and antisymmetry in Zulu and Xhosa Dani
Februrary 3, 2017Jennifer ColeNorthwestern UniversityDetails (sometimes) matter for the mental representation of intonationCarrie
February 17, 2017Giovanni BennardoNorthern Illinois UniversityLinguistic Strategies and Culture in Mind
March 3, 2017Janet van HellPenn State UniversityCode-switching in bilinguals: Behavioral and electrophysiological studiesAlicia
March 31, 2017 Lewis GebhardtNortheastern Illinois UniversityCrow is an 85% DP Language (and a question about verbal morphology)
April 7, 2017Carrie PichanUniversity of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)Phonological Transfer in L3 Initial Stages Italian and PortugueseAlicia
April 21, 2017Tue TrinhUniversity of Wisconsin-MilwaukeeIn defense of structural alternativesJon & Irati
April 27, 2017Manuel Díaz-CamposIndiana UniversityBridging the gap between sociolinguistics and semantics
Date, Time, and Location* Speaker Title / Abstract
Sept 4, 2015Meet and Greet
Sept 18, 2015HLS Presentations
October 2, 2015Isabelle Darcy
(Indiana University)
Executive functions predict individual differences in second language phonological processing
October 16, 2015
*UH 1501
Silvina Montrul
Structural Differences and Similarities in Three Heritage Languages in the USA
November 13, 2015Patxi Laskurain
(Illinois State University)
The Linguistic Landscape of Chicago’s La Villita
November 18, 2015
*Wednesday, 10-11 am.
Eve HigbyNative language adaptation to novel verb argument structures by Spanish-
English bilinguals: An electrophysiological investigation
December 3, 2015
*LICO sponsored talk
Naomi Shin
(University of New Mexico)
Does English impact Spanish in the U.S.? Evidence from bilingual children’s patterns of morphosyntactic variation
January 22, 2016Rhonda McClain (Northwestern)Neural mechanisms of second language speech production and cognitive control as revealed by event-related potentials
Februrary 5, 2016Emily CibelliTargeting the acquisition of L2 production categories with explicit articulatory instruction
February 19, 2016Daniel VergaraLicensing N-words Across Domains
March 4, 2016
*UH 1501
Heidy Harley
(University of Arizona)
A syntactic alternative to deficiency approaches to the manner-alternation parameter
March 18, 2016David Durian
(College of Dupage)
Revisiting the Development of the Northern Cities Shift in Late 19th and Early 20th
Century Chicago: Another Look at Pederson's PEMC Data, DARE, and LANCS
April 8, 2016Szymon Zuberek (UIC)The Effectiveness of Pronunciation Training Software in ESL Fluency Development
April 22, 2016Jill Jegerski
Bilingual sentence processing: Relative clause attachment in heritage speakers of Spanish
DateSpeaker Title / Abstract
September 5th Linguistics meet and greet
September 19thBarbara Di Eugenio
Computational Models of Multimodal Referring Expressions in the ELDERLY-AT-HOME Corpus
October 21stAlessandro Benati
(U of Greenwich)
The effects of re-exposure to instruction and the use of discourse-level interpretation tasks on processing instruction and the Japanese passive
November 14thJeanne Heil
Great Aspect-actions: Morphological encoding in Second Language Acquisition
January 16thBernard Issa
Investigating the role of attention in second language grammar learning: An eye-tracking study
January 30thMatt Goldrick
Unifying the continuous and the discrete in theories of bilingualism: Insights from Gradient Symbolic Computation
February 6th Rosana Ariolfo
(Universidad de Génova)
La lengua española en el contexto escolar genovés: Niños y jóvenes de origen latinoamericano entre integración y discriminación
February 27thLillian Gorman
Ethnolinguistic Contact Zones: Identity and Language Use within Mixed Mexican-Nuevomexicano Families in northern New Mexico
March 3rdTammer Castro
(University of Tromso, Norway)
Bilingualism or bidialectalism? Empty Categories in Brazilian and European Portuguese
March 13thJonathan MacDonald
Spanish aspectual se as an indirect object reflexive: evidence from bare nouns and leísta PCC repairs
April 3rdScott Schwenter
(Ohio State University)
Priming and (Non-)Obsolescence in Morphosyntactic Variation
April 10thJanet Fuller
(Southern Illinois University)
Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscapes of Chicago and Berlin

Talks for 2013-2014

Date, Time, and Location* Speaker Title / Abstract
September 5th Linguistics meet and greet
September 19thBarbara Di Eugenio
Computational Models of Multimodal Referring Expressions in the ELDERLY-AT-HOME Corpus
October 21stAlessandro Benati
(U of Greenwich)
The effects of re-exposure to instruction and the use of discourse-level interpretation tasks on processing instruction and the Japanese passive
November 14thJeanne Heil
Great Aspect-actions: Morphological encoding in Second Language Acquisition
January 16thBernard Issa
Investigating the role of attention in second language grammar learning: An eye-tracking study
January 30thMatt Goldrick
Unifying the continuous and the discrete in theories of bilingualism: Insights from Gradient Symbolic Computation
February 6th Rosana Ariolfo
(Universidad de Génova)
La lengua española en el contexto escolar genovés: Niños y jóvenes de origen latinoamericano entre integración y discriminación
February 27thLillian Gorman
Ethnolinguistic Contact Zones: Identity and Language Use within Mixed Mexican-Nuevomexicano Families in northern New Mexico
March 3rdTammer Castro
(University of Tromso, Norway)
Bilingualism or bidialectalism? Empty Categories in Brazilian and European Portuguese
March 13thJonathan MacDonald
Spanish aspectual se as an indirect object reflexive: evidence from bare nouns and leísta PCC repairs
April 3rdScott Schwenter
(Ohio State University)
Priming and (Non-)Obsolescence in Morphosyntactic Variation
April 10thJanet Fuller
(Southern Illinois University)
Minority Languages in the Linguistic Landscapes of Chicago and Berlin
April 24th TBA